Neuroinformatics Group

Universität BielefeldTechnische FakultätNI


Haptic Interface Twister

TwisterTwister is a novel haptic interface, consisting of a table with an integrated rotational joint on which a test object can be mounted. Twister measures the angular velocity and the orientation of the mounted object, it also detects when the contact with the object has been established or lost. Twister can provide vibro-tactile feedback. The objects can be rotated either by the study participant or controlled by the integrated motor. Our current research targets the influence of different factors on the performance during haptic rotation. We also pursue application of Twister for hand rehabilitation of stroke patients.

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Computer Vision and Signal Processing for Smart Homes

Computer Vision and processing of multimodal sensor data is very important to take Smart Homes to the next level. An intelligent everyday environment should be aware of its residents. It should understand their actions and ideally even be able to predict their behavior. In the KogniHome project, we are developing computer vision and signal processing methods for three demonstrators: (1) KogniChef, a cognitive cooking assistant, (2) KogniMirror, a human aware smart mirror and (3) KogniDoor, an intelligent entrance door.

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Brain-Computer Interfaces

Brain-computer interfaces (BCI) provide an alternative communication channel that bypasses all muscular functions by directly decoding brain activity. When using electroencephalography (EEG) to acquire brain signals, they are non-invasive, affordable and safe. Having originally been designed as a communication tool for patients with severe physical disabilities, e.g. paraplegia or locked-in state, the application areas have grown in recent years. Our research follows a two fold approach. Firstly, we aim at improving the reliability and the communication speed of the systems. Furthermore, we investigate the usage of BCI as a research tool, in particular to study human-machine and human-robot interaction in more real-world like settings. To this end, BCI allows to investigate cognitive processes during the interaction, in almost real time and without having to rely solely on group-level data. read more »

Shadow Hand Tactile Fingertip

This 12-taxel fingertip sensor provides highly sensitive normal-force sensing for our Shadow Robot Hands - fully integrated with the mechanical and electrical design of the hand.

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Lab Infrastructure

Lab Facilities

The NeuroInformatics Group operates three different labs:

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