Neuroinformatics Group

Universität BielefeldTechnische FakultätNI


Game of Drones


We are developing an AI agent for drone control capable of solving SLAM-related problems [1] in environments with challenging features such as changing light conditions, low illumination, adverse weather, and dynamic objects. If you would like to know more about this thesis / project opportunity, please contact: Dr. Andrew Melnik <andrew.melnik(at)>

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robotic dexterous manipulation learning by human demonstration

Under the framework of Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) project—DEXMAN ( , we are offering a master thesis topic “robotic dexterous manipulation learning by demonstration”.


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Multimodal times series modeling and segmentation

Twister In this project we investigate approaches for unsupervised segmentation of interaction sequences based on multimodal data. The proposed procedure estimates segment borders across all modalities in a single pass.

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Haptic Performance in Virtual Reality (HaPeVR)

TwisterWe develop a 3D VR serious game to integrate valid haptic performance testing in highly adaptable and motivating virtual game scenarios. One goal is to offer stroke patients who need to improve or relearn their proprioceptive and tactile abilities an appealing and motivating tool.  It allows them to monitor their progress in a more detailed manner  than traditional methods, to select a suitable level of task difficulty,  and potentially to improve their self-efficacy. For that purpose we combined multiple devices to a hardware framework creating a touchable virtual world. A set of scenarios is designed where players encounter different haptic discrimination or manipulation challenges in order to evaluate detailed hand and finger movements.

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Accelerating motor learning with computational scaffolding

dexmoLearning to play piano is a highly demanding activity, which is characterized by a high mental load. To reduce the mental load and, by doing so, to accelerate the learning process, we pursue to use exoskeleton Dexmo.

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