Neuroinformatics Group

Universität BielefeldTechnische FakultätNI

Download and Installation

Neo/NST is developed mainly for Unix systems. Supported operating systems include Linux, Solaris and Mac OS X. The installation should be straight forward:

  • For Linux you will need OpenGL in order to start Neo. It should be included within your standard Linux distribution. If you can not find an OpenGL package on your system, have a look at the MESA homepage for more information. If you want to run large OpenGL applications using VTK, hardware accelerated OpenGL is highly desirable.
  • Select the appropriate files from below and save them to your disk.
  • Untar the files into your preferred directory, e.g. tar xvf nst7-linux.tar.gz -C /vol.
  • Read the README file and follow the instructions (alternatively, have a look at the getting started section).
  • You should now be ready to use Neo.
May 2017
15 MB
Precompiled package for Ubuntu 64-bit systems. Includes manpages, examples and PDF documentation. The package was compiled with SSE and SSE2 suport for the 64bit architecture.
If you do not install into the default folder /vol/nst, you have to adjust your LD_LIBRARY_PATH to contain $NEOHOME/lib.

29. August 2011

9 MB

Precompiled package for Ubuntu 32-bit systems (tested on Maverick). Includes manpages, examples and PDF documentation.
27. April 2006
19 MB
Windows Installer for Neo/NST.
9 kB
A short introduction and the skeleton directory structure you need if you want to extend the library of Neo/NST units with your own algorithms (written in C or C++). Includes small toy-example.


Building from Source


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