Neuroinformatics Group

Universität BielefeldTechnische FakultätNI

Getting Started

Getting Started

Students using the local Neo/NST installation at Bielefeld University, please refer to the Neo-guide . In order to work with Neo you have to adjust a few settings concerning configuration files and environment variables. At startup, Neo looks for the files named .neo and .neofolders in your homedirectory. It contains settings which are needed to be adjusted for your individual system. Therefore,

cp /vol/nst/neo_samplefile ~/.neo

cp /vol/nst/neofolders_samplefile ~/.neofolders



  • NeoHome should point to the path, where Neo/NST is installed on your system.

It should be safe to leave the other values untouched.


You might want to adjust this file to your needs. For the start, you can leave it as it is.

Environment variables:

Neo is dynamically linked against Therefore you probably have to append /vol/nst/lib to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. Neo/NST recognizes a few environment variables:

  • NST_LD_LIBRARY_PATH determines the search path used by NST when loading a dynamic library at runtime. It should point to something like /vol/nst/lib. If unset, LD_LIBRARY_PATH will be used instead.
  • NSTPATH search path used for accessing data files when filename is relative and file is not found in current directory.
  • NEOHOME directory relative to which important other directories are looked up (e.g. manual pages, examples, etc.). If set, it overrides the value in ~/.neo. If neo ist started with argument -NeoHome /some/path this is the ultimate home path.
  • MYEDITOR external editor invoked when pressing Ctrl-j in NST text input windows.
  • EDITOR dito, used when MYEDITOR is not defined.

Command Line Parameters:

neo -h prints a listing of recognized command line parameters.

neo -H additionally shows their default values. Values specified at the command line override those in in .neo. For more information on how to work with Neo, please refer to the tutorial.