Neo/NST Download and Installation Instructions

Currently Neo/NST is available for Unix systems only. The supported operating systems are Linux, Solaris and Irix.

The installation should be straight forward:

  1. For Linux you will need OpenGL in order to start Neo. It should be included within your standard Linux distribution. If you can not find an OpenGL package on your system, have a look at the MESA homepage for more information. If you want to run large OpenGL applications using VTK, hardware accelerated OpenGL is highly desirable.
  2. Select the appropriate files from below and save them to your disk.
  3. Untar the files into your home directory. ( tar xvfz nst7.8.8-linux.tar.gz -C ~/).
  4. Read the README file and follow the instructions (alternatively, have a look at the getting started section of the this page).
  5. You should now be ready to use Neo.
- nst7.9.10-linux-i686.tar.gz (3. Nov. 2006, 17 MBytes)
Precompiled package for glibc-2-based Linux systems (should be fine with SuSE 9.0 and higher). Includes manpages, examples and PDF documentation. The package was compiled with SSE suport for the Pentium 4 (and higer) architecture. Note, that you probably have to adjust your LD_LIBRARY_PATH (it should contain $NEOHOME/lib).
- nst7.9.10-linux-x86.tar.gz (27. Apr. 2006, 5.1 MBytes)
Same as above but without Intel specific optimizations.
- nst-win-setup.exe (27. Apr. 2006, 19 MBytes)
Windows Installer for Neo/NST.
- mynst.tar.gz (9 kBytes) A short introduction and the skeleton directory structure you need if you want to add your own algorithms (written in C or C++) to Neo/NST. Includes small toy-example.
- myODBClibs.tar.gz (37 kBytes) Contains the ODBC driver for MySQL and the iodbc driver manager. Copy the shared objects to a directory where your linker can find it at runtime (e.g. /usr/lib/). The driver manager either looks for the configuration file in $HOME/.odbc.ini or for a file to which the environment variable $ODBCINI points to. Note, that you need a running SQL database server in order to use Neo's database extensions. (See for further information.)
- datasets.tar.gz (1335 kBytes) A directory which contains sample datasets used in the Datamining Seminar. It can be copied to the data directory of a MySQL server.
- neoForMonistLinux.tgz (3.8 MBytes) Neo/NST plugin for the Monist e-learning platform.

Getting Started

Students using the local Neo/NST installation at Bielefeld University, please refer to the Neo-guide .

In order to work with Neo you have to adjust a few settings concerning configuration files and environment variables.

At startup, Neo looks for the files named .neo and .neofolders in your homedirectory. It contains settings which are needed to be adjusted for your individual system. Therefore,

cp $HOME/nst/neo_samplefile $HOME/.neo
cp $HOME/nst/neofolders_samplefile $HOME/.neofolders


It should be safe to leave the other values untouched.


You might want to adjust this file to your needs. For the start, you can leave it as it is.

Environment variables:

Neo is dynamically linked against Therefore you probably have to append $HOME/nst/lib to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.

Neo/NST recognizes a few environment variables:

Command Line Parameters:

neo -h prints a listing of recognized command line parameters. neo -H additionally shows their default values. Values specified at the command line override those in in .neo.

For more information on how to work with Neo, please refer to the tutorial.

If you have any questions regarding the installation procedure of Neo/NST or if you're interested in Neo/NST's sources please contact