Neuroinformatics Group

Universität BielefeldTechnische FakultätNI

Research Projects

Online 3D Scene Segmentation

A major pre-requisite for many robotics tasks is to identify and localize objects within scenes. Our model-free approaches to scene segmentation employs RGBD cameras to segmented highly cluttered scenes in real-time (30 Hz). To this end, we first identify smooth object surfaces and subsequently combine them to form object hypotheses employing basic heuristics such has convexity, shape alignment and color similarity.

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Computer Vision and Signal Processing for Smart Homes

Computer Vision and processing of multimodal sensor data is very important to take Smart Homes to the next level. An intelligent everyday environment should be aware of its residents. It should understand their actions and ideally even be able to predict their behavior. In the KogniHome project, we are developing computer vision and signal processing methods for three demonstrators: (1) KogniChef, a cognitive cooking assistant, (2) KogniMirror, a human aware smart mirror and (3) KogniDoor, an intelligent entrance door.

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