Neuroinformatics Group

Universität BielefeldTechnische FakultätNI

AGNI Theses


Figure: Facebook AI [1]


This thesis / project will focus on practical applications of state of the art in computer vision [1][2] to detect objects and segment images [3][4][5][6]








If you would like to know more about this thesis / project opportunity, please contact: Dr. Andrew Melnik <andrew.melnik(at)>

 This challenge tackles a key problem in the transportation world: How to efficiently manage dense traffic on complex railway networks? This is a real-world problem faced by many transportation and logistics companies around the world such as the Swiss Federal Railways and Deutsche Bahn. We are developing an AI agent capable of solving such problem

If you would like to know more about this thesis / project opportunity, please contact: 
Dr. Andrew Melnik <andrew.melnik(at)>

Playing a musical instrument well is a skill that many people are pursuing over years. What makes it particularly difficult is the absence of a teacher to provide feedback and encouragement.  While practicing, we commonly neither choose the best practice strategies, nor are we capable of self-analyzing our performance.

Datamining, active




 Recommender systems are being ubiquitously used to optimally  couple users and products. The goal of this project is to employ standard methods used to produce recommendations [1,4]

Datamining, active