Neuroinformatics Group

Universität BielefeldTechnische FakultätNI

AGNI Theses



DALL·E 2 is a new AI system that can create realistic images and art from a description in natural language.

If you would like to know more about this thesis / project opportunity, please contact: 

Dr. Andrew Melnik <andrew.melnik(at)>


In this thesis / project, you will have the opportunity to further develop an Artificial Intelligenceagent capable of performing complex purposeful actions in Minecraft or Doom environments. 

If you would like to know more about this thesis / project opportunity, please watch this video and contact:

Dr. Andrew Melnik <


Figure: Facebook AI [1]


This thesis / project will focus on practical applications of state of the art in computer vision [1][2] to detect objects and segment images [3][4][5][6]








If you would like to know more about this thesis / project opportunity, please contact: Dr. Andrew Melnik <andrew.melnik(at)>

  Figure: animation of faces from old family photos using Deep Learning approaches


This thesis / project will focus on practical applications of state of the art style generative adversarial network models (StyleGAN) [see References here].

If you would like to know more about this thesis / project opportunity, please contact: Dr. Andrew Melnik <andrew.melnik(at)>

 Try to solve the following physical puzzles to get an idea about this thesis / project:  and

We are developing an AI agent capable of solving such physical reasoning tasks. If you would like to know more about this thesis / project opportunity, please contact: 
Dr. Andrew Melnik <andrew.melnik(at)>


Virtual try on of clothes with deep learning and image segmentation using just a 2d image. To create a shopping environment close to reality, virtual try-on technology has attracted a lot of interests recently by delivering product information similar to that obtained from direct product examination. It allows users to experience themselves wearing different clothes without efforts of changing them physically.

If you would like to know more about this thesis / project opportunity, please contact: Dr. Andrew Melnik <andrew.melnik(at)>


We are developing an AI agent for drone control capable of solving SLAM-related problems [1] in environments with challenging features such as changing light conditions, low illumination, adverse weather, and dynamic objects. If you would like to know more about this thesis / project opportunity, please contact: Dr. Andrew Melnik <andrew.melnik(at)>

Vision-Based robot control typically requires a large amount of manual tuning and feature selection (edge, color, SIFT features, etc.). Modern (GPU-driven) computing power and more robust numerical methods, nowadays allow for training of deep neural networks that extract suitable features for a given task automatically and that are able to learn control tasks in an end-to-end fashion, i.e.
Es soll für ein robotisches Greifsystem eine Anbindung an ein Brain-Computer Interface erstellt werden, die, basierend auf der jeweiligen Szene, verschiedene Auswahlmöglichkeiten anbietet.