Neuroinformatics Group

Universität BielefeldTechnische FakultätNI

Research Projects

Tactile-Sensitive Poking Stick

The tactile-sensitive poking stick has mounted our Shadow Hand's tactile finger tip on a rigid stick and allows for evaluation of the finger tip itself, but also of tactile-based control algorithms - without involving the complexity of the Shadow Hands themselves.

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Robomantic - Tactile Sensors for Humans and Robots

Roboamtnic-title-imgEgo tango, ergo sum -> I feel, thus I am. This tenor brought the development of tactile sensitive devices within CITEC Bielefeld University to the next stage -> in terms of making the technology of skin-like touch sensors available to a wider public. With project funding by the EU and the state NRW - ERDF (EFRE), our team investigate in three development areas 1. Hardware, 2. Software and 3. Business, elaborating the basis for a stable university spin-off.

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Fingernail with static and dynamic force sensing

ActiveFingernailThe human fingernail turns out to be very important when it comes to picking coins, scratching off stickers, or simply probing surfaces. To endow robots with similar capabilities, in this project, we are developing a sensorized fingernail for mechanical hands, i.e. robotic or prostetic hands, capable of measuring vibratory and static contact forces. High sensitivity combined with robustness for daily use are the key features describing our proposed design.

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