Neuroinformatics Group

Universität BielefeldTechnische FakultätNI

Brain-Computer Interfaces

The research line Attentive Interfaces focuses on the development of alternative human-machine interfaces (HMI). We consider attention to be the key point of our research. Attention in the concept of Attentive Interfaces is a coin with two sides: We exploit correlates of human attention as input to HMI, while at the same time, we want the machine to adapt to the human user as neccessary, that is, to be "attentive".

Brain-machine interfaces to improve human-machine interaction

This is to be filled with some meaningful text.



MONARCA bipolar butterflyMONARCA - MONitoring, treAtment and pRediCtion of bipolAr disorder episodes

MONARCA will develop and validate solutions for multi-parametric, long term monitoring of behavioural and physiological information relevant to bipolar disorder.


SFB673 A5Alignment of attention in mediated communication

The project identifies diverse modes of alignment and assesses the facilitatory role of alignment by systematically contrasting mediated communication (in which there are technical constraints to alignment) to face-to-face communication (in which there are no such constraints).