Plotting of data

This chapter will acquaint you with some of the capabilities of the plot_xy unit for creating 2-dimensional data plots. You will learn

How to use the plot_xy unit for plotting of data

The example#1 illustrates a plot in which two different drawing layers are superimposed:
  • (i) a connected random path to which each execution "Step" adds another line segment (sequential plotting), and
  • (ii) a "cloud" of 10 points whose positions are specified as the elements of a 20-dimensional vector (simultaneous plotting).

  • Select the plot_xy unit's 'm' field to see how the plot_xy unit has been configured for this. The upper part of the dialog box determines rather obvious things, such as a window name, size, position and axis ranges. The superimposed drawing layers are specified in the middle part. Each line belongs to one "drawing layer" of marker symbols (optionally connected into a path) and gives rise to a separate input connector for their xy-position(s).

    The first three colums specify color, shape and pixel size of the marker symbols of a drawing layer, the button in the last column determines whether each execution step adds a single marker (xy pnt) to the layer (incremental drawing), or draws a new set of markers for that layer, discarding any previous markers in that layer (simultaneous drawing).

    For each incremental drawing layer, the associated input connector is a 2d scalar float array (expecting the xy coordinates of the to-be-added marker point). For each simultaneous drawing layer, the associated input connector is a float vector input of dynamic dimension that will determine the number of marker points that are drawn (each pair of consecutive elements in the vector will be taken as a coordinate pair of a marker point; if the total number of elements is odd, the last element will remain unused).

    How to connect plotted points by lines

    To connect successive markers by lines (of the same color), specify as symbol type a negative value (in this case, the absolute value will select the symbol type). To connect markers by lines of a different color requires either to first connect to the destination point in the desired line color, and then to specify the destination point again, but now for the marker in its different color (the next example#2
    will illustrate this). Alternatively, you can to use two separate layers, one for the markers of color 1, and one for connected points (marker type -1 for points) of color 2.

    How to control color, shape and size of plotted symbols

    In addition to the "xy pnt" and "xy vec" modes there are also the modes "xycts pnt" and "xycts vec".

    The "xycts pnt" mode is analogous to "xy pnt", but the input connector now has 5 pins and expects x­coordinate, y-coordinate, color, type of symbol and size of symbol for the to-be-added marker. By specifying a suitable series of 5-tuples, you can thus draw any sequence of symbols, with any subset of line connections, even of a different (and varying) color (see example#2).

    The "xycts vec" mode is analogous to "xy vec" and uses the elements of its associated dynamic float vector input connector in blocks of five to determine the above attributes for the to-be-added marker points (ignoring trailing element(s) if the total number is not an integral multiple of 5).  Example#2 has already used this mode within its second plot_xy unit (that draws the same data as the first, but from the entire data vector in parallel fashion). The example#3  illustrates how to use the "xycts vec" mode to plot an array of markers whose shape, size and symbol type vary as a function of their position.

    How to control tick marks and axis labels

    How to control plot margins

    How to add text to a plot

    All this can be achieved by specifying an "option string" in the "Further Options" entry field. An option string consists of tokens introduced with a percent '%' character, followed by up to four colon-separated numerical parameters and ended by an "option character". The relevant option characters for tick marks, plot margins and addition of text are 't', 'M' and '=', respectively, and their parameters are explained in the creation dialog window of the plot_xy unit. The example#4 illustrates their use in a few differently configured plot_xy units.

    How to control scaling

    The parameter window of the plot_xy unit allows to rescale one or both axis directions so that all drawn data points fit into the display (the rescaling will take effect only after the window has been left with "OK"). If a dynamic scaling is desired, you can (in the creation dialog box) request an additional "scaling connector" with 2 values (min and max limit for dynamic scaling of one axis direction) or with 4 values (xy coordinates of 2 diagonally opposed points of the to-be-displayed data rectangle).

    Example#5 illustrates the use of scaling inputs for viewing a point cloud (how the input_window unit works will be explained in the next chapter).

    How to draw into a plot with other NST-units

    In order to draw into the plot of a plot_xy unit, you must specify a plot window title in the creation dialog box. Then you can use one or several draw_sym, draw_str and draw_pix units to draw a group of symbols, a string or a pixel bitmap into the plot window, specifying the target window title as a creation parameter to the draw_* unit(s). The desired plot location and further properties of the to-be-drawn marker symbol(s), text string or bitmap have to be specified at the input connector(s) of the draw_* unit(s). The drawing position can be given in pixels or in data units, if autoscaling mode is used.

    How to query point positions with the mouse

    The mouse_xy unit allows to query a location in a plot_xy window. It works analogously as the draw_sym unit (i.e., the target window must be specified by its window title), but instead of a positional input it yields a positional output (the mouse xy coordinates in pixels or data units, again depending on the chose mode). Further settings allow to specify blocking modes and to return information about mouse button presses (details will be explained in the later chapter Using the mouse).

     In example#6 , a for op executes a mouse_xy unit repeatedly to query positions in a plot_xy window. At each left mouse
    button press, the (x,y) position of the mouse cursor is read out (available at the first output connector of mouse_xy) and used by the draw_sym and draw_str units to draw a marker and the coordinate values at the queried position. Note that the "autoscale" option in the mouse_xy, draw_sym and draw_str units ensures that (x,y) is always given in data coordinates. The break_unit allows to leave the loop with the right mouse button. Note also the use of the %I options in draw_sym and draw_str to "undraw" each previous draw.
    If you set "Nowait" mode in the mouse_xy unit, the marker and printed position will follow the cursor continuously.

    NOTE: the use of loops is not the best way of writing interactive programs. Later we shall see how to use callbacks for this
    purpose (the mouse_xy unit supports these, but we will explain that in a later chapter).

    How to speed up plotting

    Incremental plots of very many data points may be slow. If the number of to be plotted points is known beforehand to always be an (integral) multiple of a larger number N, the plotting can be made in blocks of N, i.e., only after N exec calls have accumulated will the the added points be made visible. Additionally, one can request an automatic clear and restart of the plot, whenever an additional point comes in.

    Related plot units

    The plot_vec unit and the plot_series unit are specialized variants of the plot_xy unit, customized conveniently for the frequent task of plotting the data in a vector (plot_vec) or a time series (plot_series). They can be used in the same way as the plot_xy unit in conjunction with the draw_* units and the mouse_xy unit.

    Example#7 illustrates the use of the plot_vec unit to display a brightness histogram for a pixel image.
    Example#8 illustrates the use of the plot_series unit to display several superimposed time series.