input_window -- create input window


unitptr input_window( int n, char *pcWin, char *pcFmt, unitptr uHost)


int n
If n>0, output field X_out will consist of n output pins. In this case, the first n of the numeric input widgets specified in argument fmt for output field 0 (see below) will send their values to these pins (and it is the responsibility of the user to choose n sufficient). If n=0 (the recommended value), the necessary number d of pins of output field X_out will be determined automatically from fmt.
char *pcWin
character string specifying title, position, and size of window. General format: "title xll yll width height", where title is an arbitrary sequence of characters not containing any white space, xll, yll is a pair of integers specifying the location of the lower left corner of the window in pixel coor- dinates ((0,0) corresponds to the lower left screen corner), and width, height specify the size of the window in pix- els.
char *pcFmt
character string specifying what is displayed in the window and how data may be entered through "widgets" (see below).
unitptr uHost
host unit for newly created instance


unitptr u
pointer to newly created unit


Creates a unit that provides a window for interactive data entry and/or display. The initial position, size and the title of the window are specified with the first argument string pcWin. The layout of the window (i.e., any displayed text and widgets for data entry and display) is determined by a format string pcFmt and follows a similar scheme as used for the familiar printf function. The format string pcFmt is composed of zero or more directives: ordinary characters (not % ) which are copied unchanged into the display window that is provided by the created unit; widget specifications, each of which results in creating a widget (such as a button, a slider or a field for data entry or display); or options that modify properties of existing widgets or of the entire window. Each widget specification or option is introduced by the character %. For a description of the available widget specifications, see section WIDGET SPECIFICATIONS below. The available widgets include widgets for numeric and for text data entry, sliders, buttons and areas into which the output of other NST window units may be redirected. These widgets are classified according to the type of their associated data as non-valued, numeric-valued, text-valued or both numeric-valued and text-valued simultaneously (e.g., a widget for the entry of a written number). Additionally, there is a repetition construct to repeat a group of widget specifications a parametrizeable number of times.


Input Fields:

determines blocking behavior (see BLOCKING MODES below)
control field; a value of 0 skips operation of this unit.

Output Fields:

The created unit will have zero or more output fields with a suitable number of pins to hold any data values belonging to numeric and/or text valued widgets. Conceptually, the output interface may be thought of as created in two phases, parsing the widget specifications in pcFmt : The first phase considers only numeric widgets and inserts for each such widget a single scalar float pin into output field out_0 (or into a higher output field, if selected by the %< option [cf. below]). The serial order of the inserted pins follows the serial order of their associated numeric widgets in pcFmt. The second phase adds for each text-valued widget a further output field (not a pin!) with three pins of types NST_STRING, NST_SCALAR and NST_SCALAR that offers access to the text contents and to the cursor and text position of the widget. The first such field is created after the highest numeric output field that was created during the first phase and again the serial order is the same as the serial order of the associated text valued widgets. (Note that those widgets that are both numeric and text valued will contribute in both phases!).


When the unit is executed and the window is not open, it will be opened, only if the %H option was specified. In all other cases, opening of the window requires a ctrl_unit(NST_W_OPEN,u).


Basically, the interpretation of the format string pcFmt is modeled after the use of the format string in the printf function of the C-language. I.e., any text in pcFmt is simply printed into the window, with the exception of format directives that start with a % and that are interpreted in a special way: these portions will be missing in the displayed text and define things like line breaks (effected by the format field %n), general options (such as %H, that 'hides' the window until it is executed), or the insertion of 'widgets' for data entry (such as %s for a 'slider') that will occur in the running text at the position where the format directive was encountered. Display of the characters following a widget specification will continue at the next character position behind the displayed widget. In addition, the line spacing will be automatically adjusted so that the available vertical space in the window is fully used.

Format of a widget specification:

Each widget specification is of the form %a:b:c:dC, i.e. starts with a %-character, followed by zero to four numeric arguments a...d which must be separated by colons. Each of these four arguments may be an arithmetic expression that evaluates to a floating point number. An additional requirement is that the entire widget specification may not contain any spaces. The widget specification is delimited by a single command character (here indicated by a C') that specifies the type of the widget directive.

Types of widget specifications:

Each widget specification belongs at least to one of the following three types:
option (command character from l,{,},H,h,k,<,' )
non-valued widget specification (command character from =,^,v,R,X,n,p,x),
numeric valued widget specification (command character from b,B,c,C,d,D,f,F,g,G,i,I,j,J,s,S)
text valued widget specification (command character from i,I,j,J, f,F,g,G,t,T).
The data entered through a widget of type 2 and/or 3 are available at one or (in the case of text widgets) several output pins. The default output field for numeric widgets is out_0, but those widgets that have numeric values (i,I,f,F,s,S,b,B,d,D,c,C-widgets) can be assigned to arbi- trary output fields by means of the <-control field: when- ever a f<-control field appears in the format string (with f being an integer field number), all subsequent numeric widg- ets have their values mapped to a pin in output field out_f of the present unit. The mapping will start with pin zero for the first widget, pin 1 for the second, and so on, unless the format string is exhausted, or a new <-control field switches to a new output field (it is possible to add further pins to the current output field f by inserting one or more f<-sequences later on in the format string). If no <-field is present in the format string, X_out is taken as the only output field (default, as already stated).

Column-wise organisation of widgets:

The entire layout can be thought of consisting of up to 10 vertical columns. Usually, all widgets are put into the same column 0, and the remaining columns have zero width and are without effect. To start adding widgets and text to a different column i, embed the directive %i~ after which everything will go into the i-th column. Embedding a %i:j~ will temporarily join the space for columns i..j into a single column.

Repetitions of a Widget group:

The special repetition directive


will be expanded into a (=lines) groups of b repetitions of the central part body, with head and tail prepended/appended to each such group. Additionally, any occurrence of the special tokens $R ("row nr") and $C ("column nr") will be replaced by corresponding row and column nrs indicating the current position in the resulting a*b matrix layout. If only a is given, b=1 is assumed. If both a and b are missing, the entire construct is interpreted as a text field initializer (cf. below). No nesting of repetition directives is supported.


     %a:b{$R:%| el[$R,$C]%| %n%}

will for a=2, b=3 become expanded into

    0: el[0,0] el[0,1] el[0,2] %n1: el[1,0] el[1,1] el[1,2] %n

If only a single or no %| is given, the corresponding directives will be read as %a:bbody%|tail% or %a:bbody%.

I. Widget options:

Insert line break. If a line contains text widgets with height>0, the next line will be below the deepest text widget, so that new items won't collide with the area of any widget on the previous line.
Insert paragraph break: skips below the current indentation caused by a preceding named area (cf. below). Without a named area, effect is the same as for a line break.
( number i followed by tilde character) switch to column i: any text or widgets always fills a a particular column (initially, the leftmost column 0). After a %i~, any further material will put into column i. Columns can be filled in any order and grow in width and height according to the added items. At the end, the final widget layout will be the juxtaposition of all filled columns, aligned by their upper borders. A %i~ always ends the current line, before switching to the new column i.
similar, but temporarily merges columns i...j into a single, wider column to allow text lines to span several columns. If the width of a textline exceeds the sum of all column widths in the range i..j, the rightmost column j will be enlarged by the required additional width. A %i:j~ always ends the current line, before switching to the new columns i..j.
Add all following numeric pins to output field f (if a non-consecutive set of output fields is specified in this way, the intermediate, unspecified output fields will be created with zero pins).
flush following items of current line to the right (but trailing blanks between the rightmost item and the %n will be retained as a right margin)
if 0<a<1: as before, but shift items only by a fraction of a<1 of the maximal possible amount (i.e., for centering use %0.5> ). If a>=1: insert a blanks (can also be used to enforce a minimal column width).
keep all text outputs in a single output field instead of a separate output field for each text output. The single text output field will have three pins for each text output. The first pin is of type STRING and holds the null-terminated text string, the remaining two pins are of type SCALAR float and hold the cursor position in the viewable text rectangle (specified as position=column+line*linewidth; the top left char in the text window has column=0,line=0) and the offset of the cursor with respect to the first character of the entire text.
('Hide'). Defer opening of window until first execution call.
('Hide firmly'). Defer opening of window until first ctrl_unit(NST_W_OPEN,u) call and automatically close window after execution.
('syntax hint'). Define syntax coloring of next text window according to syntax with number=a. Allowable syntax numbers are found in nst_aux2.h.
parenthesis to group a number of buttons into a group of which at most one member may be 'On'. If the user attempts to change a second button of the group to 'On', any other button of the group that is 'On' will be set to 'Off'. The parenthesis may enclose any other items of the format string. This does neither affect these items, nor the definition of the group. Several non-overlapping groups may be defined, however, no nesting of groups is supported. Note that grouped buttons can distinguish on-off and off-on callbacks (while ungrouped buttons do not). Therefore, single grouped buttons may be useful when on-off and off-on state changes need separate callbacks.
similar, but now a button in the group that is "On" can only be reset to "Off" by pressing another button in the group: If the group was initialized with one button on, this guarantees that always exactly one button in the group will be on.
rest of line is comment (this allows to embed comments within complex format strings)

II. Non-valued widgets:

('return button') Creates a button labelled OK but without an associated value (the label can be overriden with the %l specifier, cf. below). A window with this button will block until this button has been pressed.
same effect as %R, but with automatic closing of the window after the button was pressed.
%z %az
insert "zoom button", initialized to "on". Such a button always terminates the current line (i.e., contains an implicit %n). When a zoom button is switched "off", the next a lines of the GUI (if only %z is given, all lines between this and the next zoom button) will become hidden in a "fold" until the button is switched to "on". The window will shrink with the upper edge kept fixed. %0z and %-az is like %z and %az, but with the button initialized to "off". Zoom buttons can be labelled with a %l option in the same way as the other buttons (described below) and can also trigger callbacks (cf. below).
%Z %aZ
as before, but now the window will keep the position of the lower edge fixed under size changes and the pointer will be warped to the new position of the button.
add a vertical scrollbar of a characters width to the preceding text ( %t-) widget.
insert decimal representation of current setting of previous slider (ignored, if no such slider exists). Use field width of a characters and display b decimals (default values are a=7,b=3).
insert a horizontal ruler that is w characters wide. If w=0, the ruler will extend to the right margin. If w<0, the ruler will stop -w characters before the right margin. (if w is absent, the command is interpreted entirely different: it then introduces a label for a previous button widget, cf. below).
make the previous widget into a callback trigger for a named unit name. If the previous widget is a named area, entering the area with the mouse pointer will trigger the callback. If the widget is a is a text field, button, zoom button or a slider, any change to its value will cause unit name to be executed once. An exception are buttons in a %[..%] or %![..%] group: they trigger only when going "on" (this also applies to the additional forms shown below. Callbacks of textfields with illegal content are not called. The forms below can be used to transmit the changed value to unit name: The name "*" (a single asterisk) can be used as a shorthand for the name of the previous callback name (this applies also to the alternate three forms below). More than one named unit can be executed, when name is specified as a comma separated list of the names of the units. Alternatively, several callback tokens can follow after a widget.
whenever previous widget changes its value, the new value is copied into field f, pin i. of named unit name; then, unit name is executed, after which control returns to the present unit (for a named area, the arguments f and i will be ignored).
as above, but copies the entire (numeric) field of which the previous numeric widget's pin is a member into into field f of named unit name (the fields must be compatible).
similar as above, but for repeated execution of name: if the associated widget is a named area or button or zoom button, the unit name is executed repeatedly as long as the mouse pointer is within the named area or the button is 'on' (between execution calls, the status of the other widgets is processed, so that several buttons can control several named units 'simultaneously). If there is no associated widget (e.g., when %!!name appears before any other widgets), name will be executed repeatedly while the input window is active. The other forms %f!!name and %f:i!!name are analogous to the above. NOTE: when %!!name appears after a named area, the named area is then no longer considered as not belonging to the input_window and the named unit(s) name are called repeatedly as long as the cursor is inside the named area.
if the widget is a %[..%]-grouped or %![..%] grouped button or a zoom button, name will be executed once when the button makes the transition off->on. For a named area, the callback is triggered when the cursor leaves the area. For text fields the callback is called once the focus leaves this field. For all other widgets there will be no effect.
info button labelled name. When pressed, one of the routines (the a-th, or 0-th, if a is absent) previously registered with nst_register_help_cmd() will be called, and the string name will be passed as its main argument. The button can be relabelled with a subsequent %lotherlabel (without changing the argument string name for the called routine). Info buttons have no output pin associated with them.
For all callback widgets, the most recently specified name can be abbreviated by a single asterisk * in subsequent occurrences. Callback widgets are particularly convenient if the window is in blocking mode 1 and has a %R button: this combination is equivalent to an `implicit loop'' that is terminated only when the %R button is pressed.


If the specified callback unit is the break_unit, this also will have the effect to escape from the `implicit loop'' of the input_window unit. Additionally, the input_window unit will in this case inherit the return value of the break_unit, i.e., when the input_window unit itself is operand of a for_op (or a similar loop unit), this loop will be ended too.
insert a 'named area' of name name to accommodate the output of another window unit, if its output is monochrome or color map. If only %=name is given, the named area is interpreted differently, cf. %w:h:z==name below.
insert a 'named area' of name name to accommodate the output of another window unit, if its output is RGB.
insert a 'named area' of name name to accommodate the output of another window unit, if its output is RGB-3d.
insert a 'named area' of name name to accommodate the output of an output_window unit. In this case, w and h specify the size of the named area in characters. If only %=name is given (i.e., if the parameters w, h, z and the second '=' are absent), this is taken as a shorthand for choosing the size of the named area to be the same as for a float entry field. If the third parameter z is present and has value 0, this will suppress an otherwise drawn frame around the named area (in the %=name - case, this effect can be achieved by specifying the second '='). NOTE: if text lines appear to overlap, this may indicate that the embedded output window needs more lines than were specified (.%n newlines count!)
The named area has w*z pixels width and h*z pixels height, unless the last form is used, in which width and height are in character units. The third parameter z is an optional zoom factor (default=1). The optional parameter a is a value between 0 and 1 and specifies the vertical alignment of the named area, if its height w*z is not an integral multiple of the line spacing ( a=0 puts all fractional space above, a=1 below the named area; a=0.5 leads to vertical centering). A named area can be used to display the output of another window unit if its name name is specified for the window title parameter of the other unit. The named area indents' the current left margin by the width and height required to cover the named area with a rectangle of letters. Thus, a line break %n will return to the old left margin only after the vertical height of the named area has been used up. To do this in a single step, requires to use the paragraph break %p. III. Numeric valued widgets IV. Numeric and text valued widgets
with C=i,j for integer values and C=f,g for decimal floating point values. The j,g versions accept also a blank input (mapped to the numeric value -NST_HUGE), while the i,f versions don't. If none of a..d is specified, the default input range will be -NST_HUGE..NST_HUGE and the preset value is zero. If only a is specified, the input range is the same, and the preset value is a. If a and b are specified, the input range will be the interval between a and b, and the preset value will be a. If a,b and c are specified, the input range will be as before, but the preset value will be c, if c is contained in the input range. Otherwise the preset value will be a or b, whichever is closer to c. Finally, if in addition d is specified, it will set the total field width (in characters). A value of d=0 switches to a default field width of 10. The specified field width will remain in effect also for all subsequent numeric text input fields (separate widths are maintained for the integer and the floating type fields) until a new width is specified. Note that the entered data can be accessed in two ways: 1. as numeric value at a pin of output field out_0 (unless the %< option is used to select a different field) and 2. as a text string in some output field out_i, (i>0).
If the next character is not a hat (.^) char, this specifies the creation of a horizontal slider, otherwise, it will specify a vertical slider. The extent of the slider is given by the fourth argument d and will be in characters, if d>0, or in pixels, if d<0. The associated floating point value will be from the interval [a,b]. If none of a..d is specified, the default input range will be the unit interval [0,1] with a preset value of zero. If only a is specified, the input range will be the smallest interval containing the values 0,1 and a, and the preset value will be given by a. If a and b are specified, the input range will be the interval between a and b, and the preset value will be a. If a,b and c are specified, the input range will be as before, but the preset value will be c, if c is contained in the input range. Otherwise the preset value will be the a or b, whichever is closer to c. If no width d is given, the slider will have the same extent as the previous slider or named area, or d=0 is assumed, if it is the first slider. A value of d=0 makes the slider autosize its extent. There may be at most one autosize slider per line (but multiple sliders with a specified with are allowed). All autosize sliders of a window will be vertically aligned and use the largest common width such that each autosize slider still fits on its line. The numeric value of a slider can be displayed using a %v-specification.
Both of these specify the creation of a rectangular button for choosing between two (the default) or more numeric values. If at least two values a,b are specified, the first will correspond to the value returned when the button is off, the second to the value when the button is on. The initial setting of the button is off, unless a third argument c is specified, the value of which (either a or b; if c is not from the set {a,b}, the closer one of the two values a,b is used) then determines the initial setting of the button. If no arguments are specified, the default values are taken as a=0,b=1,c=0. If C=b the state of the button will be preserved between successive uses of the window. If C=d, the button will always be reinitialized to the preset setting, when the window is used again. If argument w is provided, the currently used width for a button will be changed to w. w=0 specifies the default width of 10 characters. To label a button with the text pqr..s (which must be a character sequence of maximal length w uninterrupted by white space), append the sequence %lpqr..s after the type characer of the button to be labeled (example: \.%b%lexit for a 0-1 button labeled "exit").
insert "close" button. Similar to the previous d-button, but operation of this button will also exit and close the window.
Inserts text input field of which a rectangle of width w and height abs(h) is visible. For h<0, the window will have additional small buttons for interactive vertical resizing (within the range given by its maximal useable height H, which is abs(h)+y, unless y<0, cf. below). Each line will be of length w-1+x (the last character position is reserved for the cursor, therefore the useable number of characters is one less than the actually provided space). If y>0, H will be the maximal useable number of text lines (longer texts will be clipped). If y<0, H will only set a minimal height H=abs(h)+abs(y) and the actual text height is allowed to grow from H as needed when more lines are added (it will again shrink down to H, when lines are removed again). The visible rectangle will scroll with cursor movements. If x and/or y are not specified values of zero are assumed and the visible rectangle coincides with the entire text window. The remaining default values are w=10,h=1. If the window format does not contain a %k directive, the text is available at pin 0 of the associated output field, and pin 1 will hold the cursor position in the viewable text rectangle (specified as position=column+line*linewidth; the top left char in the text window has column=0,line=0), and pin 2 will hold the offset of the cursor with respect to the first character of the entire text. Otherwise (presence of a %k directive), the text input field will add three such pins to a single output field that is shared by all text outputs. For syntax selective coloring, precede the %t directive with a %ah syntax hint directive, where the integer a must specify the coloring scheme ( cf. %ah directive documentation).
Special case of the above: make a text field of width w for password entry (the specified height of 0 will cause the field to echo any character with a '*' symbol).
like %w:h:x:yt (i.e., text window), but the contents cannot be edited interactively. However, initialization with the %..%% directive or via text output pins is possible in the same way as for a normal text window.
text field to access directory. This will insert a non-editable text field of width w and height h that shows a listing of the directory that is specified in the first line of the text field (the text field may be initialized with the % and % brackets, as any other text field. If h<0, the window will be vertically resizeable with a maximal height of abs(h). If no initialization is made, the default is the current directory. Subdirectories in the listing are indicated by a trailing slash and their selection will replace the currently specified directory and display a new listing of the selected subdirectory. To move into the parent directory, select "../". Additionally, if n is given and non-zero, selection of a file or directory in the present text field will copy the selected file name or directory name into the n-th successor text field (if n>0) or into the n-th predecessor text field (if n<0), provided such text field exists. There, the file name can be edited and used as if it were normal input. Additionally, if m is given and non-zero, a further text field at offset m is searched for a filter string. This filter string will be used to display only a subset of the directory files (only file names are filtered; directories are always shown). NOTE: the setting of the current directory of the running process is not affected by these operations.
Reserved for future extensions.


The option


sets a global window font fontname (can be 0..3 for small..large, or a X11 font name). For good results, choose a fixed width font. This directive should occur at most once and at the beginning of the format string (later versions may ignore occurrences at a different position). When the chosen font is one of the standard fonts 0..3, then


switch to emphasized and back to normal font, if both types are available (otherwise ignored).


The directive


will switch the text color to colorname, if colorname is among the NST-registered X11 colors. To get back the normal text color, specify %!<nc>.


The following editing commands are available for text and/or numeric input in text input fields:
goto begin/end of line
one letter backward/forward
one letter upward/downward
kill line (into paste buffer)
kill entire text (into paste buffer)
copy selection into paste buffer
insert (and empty) paste buffer at cursor
jump to matching delimiter
backspace erase
delete current char
goto top/bottom of text
kill selection (into paste buffer)
yank paste buffer
Select, cut and paste with the mouse within the same window work as usual, but transfers with X-windows of other applications don't work The paste buffer keeps its contents also when a new window is used. 'Important 'Note: when an illegal entry is made (or when a partial entry looks as if illegal), editing via the mouse commands may be blocked. The above editing commands, however, continue to function and can be used to complete or correct the entry.


The default behavior for exec_unit(u) for this unit is to block until at least one of the available input widgets has received some input. Additionally, if there is a %R or %X button, this must be among the items that have received input. Only if no input widgets are present, the exec_unit(u) call will be non-blocking. This default behavior depends on the value at input field X_in[0] and can be changed. More precisely, the value at input field X_in determines (i) an entry condition that must be met before a call of exec_unit has the effect to block and wait for input in the window associated with the created unit (if the entry condition is not met, exec_unit simply returns without offering any possibility for data entry). It additionally determines a (ii) exit condition that must be met to terminate the wait status once it has been entered. The following table describes the currently available modes:

   mode entry condition -------- exit condition
   -1 ---- always FALSE ---------- always TRUE --------
    0 ---- always TRUE --------- inputs completed ----
    1 --- window is open -------- inputs completed ----
    2 window is open AND mouse - inputs completed ----
       cursor is within window
    3 ---- as before --------- inputs completed OR mouse
    ---------------------------- cursor leaves window -
    4 ---- as before -------- mouse cursor leaves window


NST_W_REDRAW, NST_W_OPEN, NST_W_CLOSE NST_W_SETWIDGETS: Updates all widgets to actual (output) pin values. Works even if input_window is referenced by use_method (by-reference-mode).


     pcFmt="b s n 4< c 0<i n t2<f"

will specify a unit with a button (b, value at pin 0 of output field 0), a slider ( %s, value at pin 1 of output field 0), a Yes-No-button ( %c, value at pin 0 of output field 4), an integer input widget ( %i, value at pin 2 of output field 0), a pure text input widget ( %t, value at output field 6) and a float input widget (f, value at pin 0 of output field 2). All specified input widgets come with their default properties perties. Since field 4 is the highest output field specified with the %4< specifier), the three output fields for the three text widgets i,t,f (two of them coinciding with the integer and the float input widgets) are out_5, out_6 and out_7. Therefore, the numeric value of the i-field is available at Y(u,0,2) and its string value at YTXT(u,5) (assuming u to be a pointer to the created unit), the numeric value of the f-field is available at Y(u,2,0) and its string value at YTXT(u,7), and the string value of the pure text widget ( %t) is available at YTXT(u,6). Input widgets for output fields 1 and 3 are not specified, therefore these fields will be created with zero pins. The program widgets.c demonstrates the use of some input_window's.



