Output in windows

  • This will continue the previous chapter, explaining how to arrange for text or graphical output to appear in a window. You will learn
  • The use of the output_window unit

    The output_window unit, too, uses a text string with embedded widget directives to specify the layout of its window. We have seen its use already in the examples #1, #3 and #4 on the previous page. Below, we just give a short listing of its main widgets are (in the following, w,h, and d denote numerical parameters, all other letters stand for themselves)
  • %w:dv    to display a value in a field w characters wide, using d decimals precision
  • %wt        to display a text string in one line of max width w
  • %w:ht  to display a text string in a "sunken" field w characters wide and h characters high
  • %^          make previous text output field scroll when new text is added
  • %R %X    OK-buttons, as for input_window

  • Here, each %v directive gives rise to a pin in input connector 0, each %t directive gives rise to a further string input connector. As the only example#1, we illustrate how to make a scrolling text output window: each exec step of the circuit adds another line to the displayed text, scrolling existing text upwards, when the window is full.

    How to provide named output areas in a window unit

    Both, the input_window and output_window unit allow to embed rectangular output areas that can accommodate the output window of other window units (such as the output_window, plot_xy or write_pix units). This feature allows to assemble the graphics outputs
    of several windows into a single "frame window", so that all windows can be handled on the screen "en block".

    Each embedded output area is identified by a name (and is often referred to as a "named area"). The name of an area must coincide with the window title of the graphics window that shall appear in that area. For example, the directive


    will set aside a 200x300 pixel rectangle named "foo" that initially appears as a blank, sunken area (try it out, e.g., with an  input_window unit). If you now create, e.g., a plot_xy unit and specify as its window title also "foo", its window will appear inside the named area "foo" (if the plot_xy unit already exists, its window will relocate itself into the named area only after the unit is modified, i.e., re-created; try both possibilities!). Some units, such as the plot_xy unit, will automatically resize their window to fit into the named area, others (like the write_pix unit) will insist on their window size and appear clipped or leave unused space in case of a mismatch.

    How to arrange multiple named areas and text

    Text or any widgets that appear after a named area widget will be arranged adjacent to its right. Any %n will then scroll just one line down (with the right edge of the named area as the new left margin, until the edge ends), so that, e.g., a text block (that may contain further widgets) can be written to the right of a named area. If it is desired to directly continue on the first line under the named area,
    the necessary "paragraph feed" is provided by the directive %p. Here is an example#2.

    Available types of named areas

    The specification of a named area must fit with the type of window to accomodate. Currently, there are the following types of named areas:

    Colormap areas. These are ok for all types of colormap windows (which includes the windows of plot_xy, plot_vec, plot_series, plot3d_unit and monochrome write_pix units). The specification is


    RGB areas.  These are required for RGB windows, such as the write_pix unit when created in RGB display mode.
    A specification is


    GL-3d areas. These are required for 3d-rendering windows for solid objects, using GL graphics (units that create such windows are the view3d and the camera_unit). The specification is


    Text areas. These are actually Colormap areas, but intended for embedding the window of an output_window unit. Therefore, unlike the three previous types, their size is specified in character units. The specification is


    Text areas admit two additional shorthands


    The first form assumes height=1 (one line), the second form assumes in addition width=10 chars (the default width of a numeric entry field). Note that when no size argument is given, a single '=' suffices.

    Example#3 is a window with all four window types.

    The previous example is ok. for pixel-sized color map windows. For a pixel sized GL window, the '=' must be replaced by a '=:'. For a character sized color map window (e.g., from an output_window unit), the '=' must be doubled to '=='. In this case, the width and height are expected in characters, not in pixels. Finally, to accommodate just the output from a one-line output window of, e.g., 30 chars width, the short form %30=foo may be used (i.e., only the width need be given, and a single '=' suffices).

    How to use named areas to trigger callbacks

    Entering or leaving a named area with the mouse pointer can be used to trigger execution of one or several named units.
    %!name (%!!!name) after a named area will trigger name on entering (on leaving) the named area with the mouse pointer.
    Finally, %!!name will repeatedly execute name while the mouse pointer is inside the named area.

    Further remarks

    Usually, the vertical height of a named area will not be an integral multiple of text lines. In this case, one may align the upper or the lower edge with a text line, or choose an intermediate vertical position. An additional optional 3rd parameter between 0 and 1 can be specified to interpolate between these extremes (example#4).

    For text areas, the optional 3rd parameter can be used to choose between "sunken" form (value=1) and "flat" form (value=0).

    If an output rectangle in a input_window is followed by a vertical slider with no size specification (such as %0:1s^), the height of the slider is made equal to the rectangle height (try it).

    Technically, the area of a named area is considered a belonging to the area of the enclosing input_window or output_window only, if the named areas is used to trigger callbacks. I.e., when the mouse pointer moves into a named area that triggers no callbacks  (i.e., is not followed by %!..!name), this is also considered as leaving the enclosing input/output window. This point can be useful occasionally when structuring interactive programs.