vtkPolyData is a central class of the VTK toolkit. It is a concrete dataset representing vertices, lines, polygons and triangle strips. Additionally, for each point in the dataset, point attribute values (e.g., scalars, vectors, tensors, etc.) can be set. The class unit offers several methods to provide an interface between Neo/NST and vtkPolyData.


Execution of the created unit does nothing. However, execution of any of its named subunits (via use_named or use_method) invokes the corresponding C++ class method. The interface of each named subunit provides inputs and outputs for the corresponding method.


Input field 0:
(dynamic float) the data vector
Input field 1:
(float 1) dimensionality iDim of dataset
Assigns the data vector to the vtkPolyData. It expects a dataset of dimension iDim at input field 0 in the following order: x00, x01, ..., x0iDim, ..., xN0, xN1, ... xNiDim, where N ist the number of data items. Per default the first three components correspond to the X, Y, and Z values of the data points in 3D, whereas the other components correspond to the point attribute values. Execution of Set:Data will also call Update:Points and Update:Colors to reflect possible changes in the dataset.
Input field 0:
(float 3) X, Y, and Z component in dataset
Use the corresponding components in the dataset to generate the vtkPoints of the dataset in 3D.
Input field 0:
(float 1) component in the dataset which will be used to generate colors through a lookup table.
Generates a color lookup table from blue to red - small values will be mapped to blue, large values to red. In order to recompute the color range for a certain actor, the Color:PolyData method of the corresponding actor has to be called if the LUT component of the PolyData has been changed.
Input field 0:
(float 3) components for RGB channels
Colors actors according to selected RGB components in the dataset. The range of the dataset values will be rescaled to [0,....,1] for the color generation.
Output field 0:
(float 6) xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax
Returns the geometry of the bounding box which bounds the datasets.
Input field 0:
(float 1) number of point in dataset
Output field 0:
(float 3) xyz coordindates of corresponding point
Returns xyz coordinates of given point id
Updates the point coordinates of the vtkPolyData. Call this method if the point coordinates of the dataset has changed, but the geometry not. This is useful for warping of grid structures, etc.
Updates the color table. Call this method if the values in the selected color components of the dataset have changed.
Calls Reset() member function of vtkPolyData.