view3d - create unit to provide an interactive 3d-view


unitptr view3d( char *win, char *fmt, int argnum, unitptr* arglist, unitptr host)


char *win
window description "title xll yll width height"
char *fmt
format string for coordinate frame
int argnum
number of elements in arglist
unitptr* arglist
array of pointers to argnum NST-units. Execution of these units is assumed to render the objects which are to be viewed.
unitptr host
host unit


unitptr u
ptr to created instance


center point (xc,yc,zc) of viewing volume (default is (0,0,0)).
size dx,dy,dz of viewing volume (default is 1,1,1, i.e. unit cube).
eye point (vx,vy,vz)
size dxw,dyw,dzw of display cube to which view volume is mapped (default is (1,1,1)).
scaling of x-axis: xsteps,tx,dtx
scaling of y-axis: ysteps,ty,dty
scaling of z-axis: zsteps,tz,dtz
currently not used
currently not used
CTL-input pin[0]=0 for interactive operation (default), pin[0]>0 for non- blocking mode. pin[1..2]: rotation angles rx,ry (in degrees) to be used for initial view (default=(0,0)).
current mouse position (in pixels, with respect to lower left corner of window)
1,rx,ry a constant value and x-rotation and z-rotation angle (in tenths of degree) used for current view (this field can be connected to CTL_in of another view3d-unit ("slave", if it is desired to synchronize two views). The second unit must then appear as a member in the view list viewlist[] of the first view, which acts as the controlling "master" of the second "slave".


Creates a unit that works in conjunction with a set of drawing units specified by the viewel unitptr's in array viewlist[]. The units viewlist[0..viewel-1] are expected to render the objects which are to be viewed. Creation of the present unit then opens the necessary viewing window, and execution provides the necessary coordinate transformations and interactive, mouse driven view control to view the objects rendered by executing the sequence of units in viewlist (the user need not care about the execution of the specified units in viewlist; this is also done under the control of the present unit). Creation of the present unit opens a window (title, location and size described in string win) that provides a 3d-view onto a space volume that is specified by the values at the input pins of this unit. If the initial default view is used, the window provides a perpendicular view onto the xz-plane with the eypoint a distance of 10 units along the negative y-direction away from the point (xc,yc,zc). The positive z-direction points upward, and the positive x-direction leftward. Execution of the unit can be in two modes, depending on the value of CTL_in[0]. If CTL_in[0]>0, the scene is rendered once and execution terminates. If CTL_in[0]==0, ("interactive mode", the default), execution starts an interactive loop that continuously calls the sequence of drawing units specified in viewlist in order to render the objects to be viewed. As long as this loop is active, the mouse may be used to change the view direction onto the viewed volume (this requires to keep the middle mouse button pressed). The current mouse and rotation parameters are continuously updated at output fields X_out and Y_out [they may be accessed by the units in viewlist to change the appearance of the displayed objects]. The loop is terminated by press- ing the right mouse button, after which the execution of the present unit ends. The center (xc,yc,zc) and the size (dx,dy,dz) of the viewed volume and additional view parameters can be specified at the input fields of the unit [default values are provided]. If fmt contains the toke %cF with c=0,1,2,3 or 4, a three dimensional, cartesian coordinate frame is displayed together with the viewed objects, and optional axis scalings and labels are displayed according to the values specified at input fields in_4..6. Depending on the value of c, only a tripod (c=1), a tripod with a base square (c=1), a corner (c=2) or a full cube (c=3) is drawn. Each of the three input fields in_4..6 specifies for one of the three axis directions how tick marks and labels are set. If isteps=0 (i=x,y or z), tick marks and labels are set automatically for axis direction i (this is the default). For isteps>0 and dti>0, marked labels, separated by isteps subintervals of length dti are displayed. and one labelled tick mark will be attached to axis value ti. In this case, the number of labelled tick marks is controlled by the value specified for dti and isteps. Finally, if dti=0, labeling for axis i will be supressed. (this specification is the same as for unit frame3d). This unit has the special feature of becoming "invisible" in the exec-queue of its host unit during the time of its (i.e. the view3d- unit's execution. This allows its host unit to be a member of the view list viewlist[] without causing an infinite recursion (if a view3d- unit has its host unit on its viewlist[], the effect will be to display all remaining members of this host unit (i.e. with the view3d- unit excluded) in the window of the view3d-unit. This is the general method by which composite viewing units can be conveniently encapsulated in NST).


make_mesh, frame3d


The program fview.c shows a simple use of the view3d-unit to view the images rendered by one or several make_mesh-units. The program logo.c shows how an input_window- unit can be a member of the view list of a view3d- unit to allow interactive control of changes to the viewed objects. The program xor.c shows how several view3d -units can be linked together with one view3d- unit acting as "master view" that controls the remaining "slave views" and how an input_window- unit embedded in the viewing loop can interact with the associated view3d-unit and the other viewing loop members. The program somdemo.c shows how repeated exec_unit and adapt_unit- calls of a set of units can be embedded in the viewing loop of a view3d- unit.

