Connectors and wires

In this chapter you will learn about the connectors of units and wires that make up a visual program.

Types of connectors

Most NST units possess connectors to receive input data and to return output data. Connectors are indicated as little colored squares, with inputs always sitting on the left, outputs always sitting on the right side of an icon. Each connector consists of one or several "pins". There are six predefined pin types, indicated by their color: A connector that is made up of pins of only one type is displayed in the color of this type. A connector containing pins of more than one type ("composite connector") is displayed as a white rectangle (occasionally, you may also encounter a black connector. Such connectors serve as an empty placeholder, they contain no data). The example#1 illustrates how suitable variable declarations in the prog_unit, prefixed by the non-standard keyword "INP" or "OUT", can be used to make the declared variables accessible in input or output connectors of an appropriate type. The left prog_unit produces some outputs, the right one expects a corresponding number of inputs.

Creating and editing wires

To pass the values from the outputs to the inputs requires to connect them by wires. Wires are restricted to run between input-output pairs of connectors of matching type. You can create a wire by the following steps:
  • select the output connector (=source) with the mouse pointer,
  • hold the left mouse button down,
  • move the mouse pointer to the input connector (destination) while holding the left mouse button down,
  • release the mouse button.

  • Try this for the current example to connect connectors of matching color. Executing the circuit afterwards will then make the left prog_unit print the values that it generates, and the right prog_unit the values that it receives. When you create a wire (or later select it with the left mouse button), the rightmost wire edit window will show the "fibers" of the wire. A "fiber" is a part of a wire that always runs between two individual pins. You can use the wire edit window to edit a wire a the fiber level: clicking at a fiber in the wire edit window will delete that fiber. Applying above steps in an analogous fashion to the pins in the wire edit window will create a new fiber between the chosen pins.

    The example#2  is similar to example#1, but now the same set of data is offered via two composite connectors with corresponding pins. Connect them and investigat which pin pairings can be made in the wire edit window at the level of fibers!

    NOTE: when you have cut all fibers in the wire edit window, the wire will disappear at the moment when you leave the wire edit window with the mouse pointer. You can then insert any fibers only after you have re-drawn the wire in the circuit window. When you perform the above steps as indicated, you will note that Neo tries automatically to insert as many fibers as possible. If you don't want this, perform the steps in the reverse order, i.e., draw the wire from the destination pin to the source pin. You then have to insert all fibers from the wire edit window.

    Fixed and dynamic dimension connectors

    In many cases it is desireable to make the dimension of a data vector dynamically changeable during run-time. To this end, there are dynamic dimension counterparts of the red, green and blue vector pin types. This dynamic dimension type (or "dynamic pin" for short) is indicated by a little surrounding square. The prog_unit creates dynamic pins for those INP/OUT variables that are declared as pointers (see example#3). A number of other units interpretes a dimension specification of 0 as a request for a dynamic version of the associated pin(s).

    Type compatibility

    Connectors can only be connected, if they are type compatible. Two connectors are type compatible, when they share at least a pair of type compatible pins. Two pins are type compatible, when they are either both of type string, or they are of the same type and their dimensions are either equal, or at least the dimension of the destination is dynamic (and can thus adapt to any dimension of the source pin). When you connect such pins by a fiber, this will set up a fast by-reference access from the destination to the source, using a pointer. Additionally, the float, byte and int vector pins are mutually type compatible, if they are of the same fixed dimension. When you connect such pins by a fiber, this will set up a by-copy access from the destination to the source, with inclusion of an appropriate data conversion call during the copy. Finally, you can connect a connector with a single fixed dimension byte, float or int vector pin with a scalar vector connector when dimension of the vector pin matches the number of elements in the scalar connector (again, in this case the access mechanism is by-copy+conversion, except when the source is a float vector, in which case a fast by-reference is possible and implemented).
    Load  example#1 and example#2 to try out these rules!

    Conventions about connectors

    The most frequent connectors in NST are of the yellow (representing vectors of values individually accessible via Neo wires, cf. below) or red type (usually with a single pin holding a float vector whose elements are not individually accessible for Neo wires). When the number of elements in one or several yellow connectors of a NST unit is given by some creation parameter n>0, then many NST units follow the convention that specifying the negative parameter value -n is the request to replace each of the yellow connectors by a red one with a single float vector pin of n>0 elements. A dimension n=0 is reserved to indicate the request for a dynamic pin (only honored when a unit implements this possibility).

    How to display information about a connector

    Information about a connector can be displayed by visiting it with the mouse pointer. Neo can be in one of the following three modes for displaying connector information:

    1. "lazy":  in this mode, display of connector information requires additionally to press the left mouse button down. When the connector consists of a single vector or text string pin, or a number of scalar pins ("scalar vector"), this will make the first few and the last few data items (numbers in the vector, or characters in the text string) appear in the title bar of the circuit window. If the connector is of a more complex type (several vector or text pins, or mixed data types), the title bar will only display a "type signature" for the connector (with letters s,c,i,f,t indicating scalar float, char (=byte) vector, int vector, float vector or text string types, following by the allocated
    dimension. If something appears between angular brackets, this will be a user-defined type, except for <C>,<I> or <F>, which indicate dynamic char (=byte), int or float vector pins.

    2. "data": in this mode, touching a connector with the mouse pointer will pop-up a little window showing the types and the values of the pins in the connector (if the connector holds to many values to display, again only an initial and final portion will be shown). Leaving the connector or pressing the left mouse button will make the window disappear (e.g., if you wish to draw a wire etc.).

    3. "info": this is like data, but now the window will display some information about the purpose of the selected connector. For compiled units, these information texts can be specified in the Neo wrapper routine (which also specifies things such as the creation and parameter dialog window) of the unit; prog_units make the contents of a  C++-comment line behind an INP or OUT declaration visible as connector info (look again at example#1). Container units allow to define information texts with an annotation that can be defined interactively at the Neo level (for an explanation, see here).

    The currently active mode can be either set in the Prefs menu or it can be cyclically switched between its three possibilities by pressing the left mouse button while visiting a connector.

    To display more data elements than 1. or 2. can provide for, you can try one of the following:

    For scalar/float/int/byte vector connectors:  connect a print_vec unit to the connector (specify a negative dimension, if you need to connect to a non-scalar (red,green or blue) connector). To connect to a dynamic float connector, specify a dimension of 0. If the data is a matrix, you can use the print_mat unit in a similar way (however, it does not offer a dynamic input connector). If you wish a graphical display, you can try a plot_vec unit.

    For text pin (magenta) connectors: connect a print_str or a printf unit to the connector.

    For pixel data connectors:  connect a write_pix unit to the connector.

    As a final resort, you always can set up a prog_unit to make a customized display for the situation at hand.