write_pix - display pixel image


unitptr write_pix( int dx, int dy, char *wdw, char *fmt, unitptr dest)


int dx
width in pixels of image region
int dy
height in pixels of image region
char *wdw
title, location and zoom factor for display window
char *fmt
string to specify options (see below)
unitptr dest
host unit for newly created instance


unitptr u:
pointer to newly created unit


In monochrome or colormap mode (set by option fmt, see below):

(packed input field 0) single color or graylevel
control input. A value of 0 disables execution.
image to be displayed in window.

In RGB-mode (set by option fmt, see below):

(packed input field 0) red channel of image
(packed input field 1) green channel of image
(packed input field 2) blue channel of image
control input. A value of 0 disables execution.

In single-pin RGB-mode (set by option fmt, see below):

(packed input field 0) rgb tripes for image
control input. A value of 0 disables execution.

When a dynamic input pin is requested:

(dynamic input field 0) mono values (n=1) or rgb tripes (n=3) for image.
scalar input for image width (if 0, unit will try to guess image shape by attempting to factor pixel dimension such that widht >= height and shape is as close as possible to a square).
control input. A value of 0 disables execution.


The option string fmt can be used to specify various options. Each option starts with a % - character, followed by a command letter. The following options are recognized:
set color map mode; this mode displays positive input values in the range 0 (=black) to 255 (=white) into gray levels; Negative inputs are sign-reversed and then used as indices into a color map to display colors.
set mono-color mode and interprete input values as intensities for a red, green or blue image. In mono-color mode, the unit is created with a single packed input field for the specified color channel.
set RGB-color mode. In this case, the unit will have three packed input fields that are interpreted as intensity values for the red, green and blue channel.
set single-input RGB-color mode. In this case, the unit will have one packed input field expecting for each pixel a red/green/blue triple.
request dynamic input pin for image data. Additionally, the unit will have a scalar pin for specifying an image width. If the input to this pin is zero, the unit will try to guess the image shape by looking for a factorization of the pixel number that is as close as possible to a square and that has the larger factor as the image width. Note: this option entails %1C, i.e., for RGB images the dyn input pin has always to be filled with RGB-triples.
show restriction(s) at input(s) as bounding box(es)
Hide mode: defer opening of window until unit is executed.
If fmt=NULL or none of the options %R, %G, %B, %M or %C is specified, the window will be in monochrome mode. The presence of %C or %1C overrides any other color option.


Creates a unit execution of which displays the values at its input fields as gray levels or pixel colors in a window of width dx and height dy pixels. The string win specifies the window title, the screen position (x,y) of the lower left corner pixel (the pixel at coordinates (0,0) in the displayed image rectangle) and an optional zoom factor z in the following format:

    win = "title x y z"

After return from the constructor function, the current window is the set to the newly opened window. If the %H option was specified, no window is opened and the current window is not changed.


Updates the displayed image with the data at the input fields, unless CTL_in[0]==0, in which case no action is performed (in all cases, execution does not change the current window). Pin x+y*dx, x=0..dx-1, y=0..dy-1 is mapped to a pixel block with an edge length of z pixels with lower left corner at pixel coordinates (x*z,y*z). The origin (0,0) is the lower left inner corner of the newly created window. To add further graphics to the window, use the draw_sym, draw_str or draw_pix units.


The following control modes are recognized:

store the current position and close the window, if it is open and not subwindow of another window host.
if closed, open the window at the stored position.
redraw the window contents.
move the window to the position read with a previous load_unit - call and make this the currently stored position.
store the window's current position.
return the window id (a value of -1 indicates the window is closed).
clear the window contents


write_pix8, color_code, mouse_xy, draw_sym, draw_str

