pic_to_gabor - compute convolution of gabor masks with image


unitptr pic_to_gabor( int n, int dx, int dy, float *x, float *y, float *kx, float *ky, float *sig, unitptr dest)


int n
number of gabor masks used
int dx
width in pixels of source image
int dy
height in pixels of source image
float *x
array with x-coordinates of the n mask centers
float *y
array with y-coordinates of the n mask centers
float *kx
array of x-components of the n gabor wave vectors
float *ky
array of y-components of the n gabor wave vectors
float *sig
array of radii of the n gabor masks
unitptr dest
host unit for newly created instance


unitptr u
pointer to newly created unit


(packed input field) pixel values of image region to be convolved with array of gabor masks.
(input field 1) offset (relative to lower left corner of image region) of origin with respect to which locations of mask centers are specified.
(input field 2) control field to set normalization (see Section NORMALIZATION below).
(output field 0) vector of convolution values computed with image region.


Creates a unit with two input fields of dx*dy (packed) and two pins, respectively, and one output field of n pins. Exe- cution of the unit computes convolution of n Gabor-functions centered at image locations (x[i]+xoffset,y[i]+yoffset), i=0,1,..n-1 and with wave vectors (kx[i],ky[i]) and gaussian widths sig[i]. The mask of the i-th gabor function is defined as

   msk(x,y) = C exp(-(x*x+y*y)/(2*sig*sig)) f(x*Kx + y*Ky)

where x,y denote the offset in pixels from the center coordinate x[i]+xoffset,y[i]+yoffset of the mask, and the remaining parameters are given by sig=ABS(sig[i]), Kx=kx[i]*2pi/sig, Ky=ky[i]*2pi/sig and f=cos() for sig[i]=>0 and f=sin() for sig[i]<0. For the normalization constant C, see below. The n convolution results are returned as a field of dimension n. The intensity of pixel (x,y) [x=0..dx-1, y=0..dy-1] is given by pin x+y*dx. Values for xoffset and yoffset may be specified through Y_in[0] (for xoffset, default =0) and Y_in[1] (for yoffset, default = 0).


The normalization constant C depends on the value of F=CTL_in[0]. For F<0 the default is F=1), it is given by C=-F/(2pi*sig*sig), i.e. each gaussian is normalized so that the integral over it equals -F. For F>0, it is given by C=F), i.e. in this case the gaussians are scaled so that their peak value is given by F. The default is F=1, i.e. normalization to peak value of unity.


Contrary to the usual convention, the n -dimensional arrays (call-by-reference parameters) x[],y[],sig[] are internally copied. They will be saved by routine save_unit (together with additional mask values) and the internally copied values can be restored by routine load_unit. Changes to x[],y[],kx[],ky[],sig[] AFTER the creation of the unit will be without any effect on the unit's operation.


CTL_in[0]=1, xoffset=yoffset=0



